Has Spring finally sprung?

The blossoms are out on a few of our trees.
It gets me ready to get my hands in the dirt, I can't wait! I started up the old John Deere and cut the garden yesterday, just for the smell of the diesel smoke coming back in my face. It reminds me of growing up in a time that I didn't know girls didn't normally drive tractors. Check out my garden spot!
It's still another month til planting and we'll get another freeze or two, so much for those beautiful blossoms. Today it's storming and has kept me in most of the day. I decided to rearrange the dining room and you can check out the corner with one of my favorite pieces of furniture (the old wash stand)beautiful marble top. My husband won't notice unless I moved something containing food! So maybe he won't mind.
For now I'll share my pics and it's time to get to the cabin to make some soap.
Be sure to check out our new website http://www.oldprimitivemarket.comThis is a new website designed by me and that might tell you why I've had no time to blog! Also go shopping at our site http://www.sunriseacresfarm.com for our handmade soaps, solid shampoos, shaving soaps, Primitives, furniture, game boards, birdhouses, aprons, and so much more!
See our craft booth at the upcoming National MOOFest in Athens, TN May 31st, 08 http://www.nationalmoofest.com/