Picures of Tennessee Valley Railroad Trip July 9th

Click here to see a slide show taken from train window and pics of L & N Depot in Etowah on our Hiawassee Loop train ride. This was our July 9th excursion. You'll see pics of Dad & Mom. One of the 1st pics I took of them they wouldn't get close to each other, so I said "act like you still like each other after all these years" They do still LOVE each other after all these years and I think it was just me and my camera that they were annoyed with! You can take this neat trip by checking out Tennessee Valley Rail
Oh ya know I forgot to tell ya this was the area Deliverance was filmed in! ;) Beautiful landscape that you can only see by train. Passenger cars are comfortable, with large windows, (you'll see the reflection in some of the pics) I hope to get to do the Copperhill hill excursion in the fall when the leaves are changing.