Is Spring Almost Here!

The Groundhog saw his shadow a few days ago and that means 6 more weeks of cold weather. However here in East Tennessee we have saw some wonderful weather over the past few days and it's been about 60 degrees. I'm sure we'll get another major cold snap but I'm enjoying this unseasonably warm temperatures while I can. It's too wet to turn the garden but I decided to go out and look at the fruit trees and I SEE BUDS. It made me happy but I just don't want them to bloom and get killed like they did a couple of years back. 2008 was a good year for my fruit trees (see previous blogs for apple pics) I love gardening and I'm waiting in anticipation of my 09 gardening season. I usually wait until about April 15th to plant outdoors hoping the frost will have past by them (we'll see) I don't know about you but I'm leaving this computer and going back outside to enjoy the nice weather!